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:heavy_check_mark: ローリングハッシュ


文字列をハッシュとして管理する. ハッシュ値の衝突に注意.




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* @brief ローリングハッシュ
* @docs docs/string/rollinghash.md

using hash_type = unsigned long long;
template <int mod, int base = 10007>
struct RollingHash {
    vector<hash_type> hsh, pwr;
    hash_type umod(hash_type n) { return (n % mod + mod) % mod; }
    RollingHash() {}
    RollingHash(const string &s) {
        int sz = (int)s.size();
        hsh.assign(sz + 1, 0);
        pwr.assign(sz + 1, 0);
        pwr[0] = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
            if (sz > i) hsh[i + 1] = umod(hsh[i] * base + s[i]);
            pwr[i + 1] = umod(pwr[i] * base);
    // [l, r)
    hash_type get(int l, int r) {
        return umod(hsh[r] % mod + mod - hsh[l] * pwr[r - l] % mod);
    // h1 <- h2
    hash_type join(hash_type h1, hash_type h2, int h2_sz) {
        return umod(h1 * pwr[h2_sz] + h2);
    // [idx, len_s) + [0, idx)
    hash_type rotate(hash_type idx, int len_s) {
        return join(get(idx, len_s), get(0, idx), idx);
using RH1 = RollingHash<(int)1e9 + 7>;
using RH2 = RollingHash<(int)1e9 + 9>;
using RH  = tuple<RH1, RH2>;
using H   = tuple<hash_type, hash_type>;
RH init(const string &s) {
    return make_tuple(RH1(s), RH2(s));
H get(RH &rh, int l, int r) {
    return make_tuple(get<0>(rh).get(l, r), get<1>(rh).get(l, r));
H rotate(RH &rh, int n, int sz) {
    return make_tuple(get<0>(rh).rotate(n, sz), get<1>(rh).rotate(n, sz));
#line 1 "string/rollinghash.hpp"
* @brief ローリングハッシュ
* @docs docs/string/rollinghash.md

using hash_type = unsigned long long;
template <int mod, int base = 10007>
struct RollingHash {
    vector<hash_type> hsh, pwr;
    hash_type umod(hash_type n) { return (n % mod + mod) % mod; }
    RollingHash() {}
    RollingHash(const string &s) {
        int sz = (int)s.size();
        hsh.assign(sz + 1, 0);
        pwr.assign(sz + 1, 0);
        pwr[0] = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
            if (sz > i) hsh[i + 1] = umod(hsh[i] * base + s[i]);
            pwr[i + 1] = umod(pwr[i] * base);
    // [l, r)
    hash_type get(int l, int r) {
        return umod(hsh[r] % mod + mod - hsh[l] * pwr[r - l] % mod);
    // h1 <- h2
    hash_type join(hash_type h1, hash_type h2, int h2_sz) {
        return umod(h1 * pwr[h2_sz] + h2);
    // [idx, len_s) + [0, idx)
    hash_type rotate(hash_type idx, int len_s) {
        return join(get(idx, len_s), get(0, idx), idx);
using RH1 = RollingHash<(int)1e9 + 7>;
using RH2 = RollingHash<(int)1e9 + 9>;
using RH  = tuple<RH1, RH2>;
using H   = tuple<hash_type, hash_type>;
RH init(const string &s) {
    return make_tuple(RH1(s), RH2(s));
H get(RH &rh, int l, int r) {
    return make_tuple(get<0>(rh).get(l, r), get<1>(rh).get(l, r));
H rotate(RH &rh, int n, int sz) {
    return make_tuple(get<0>(rh).rotate(n, sz), get<1>(rh).rotate(n, sz));
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